Eye Exams
Seeing your eye doctor regularly ensures that every part of your vision and eye health is thoroughly assessed. Each time you visit, Dr. Ratnasingam will use the latest state-of-the-art technology to evaluate your prescription, check your eye coordination and alignment, check your eye pressure, look for signs of any diseases or health issues and determine your overall eye health.
How often should you come in?
For adult patients with mild or no prescriptions and good overall eye health, we recommend a visit every year. When you come in for an eye exam, it’s important to understand that Dr. Ratnasingam is doing more than just checking for blurry vision. He is also looking to see if you have any signs of eye disease or any other problems that could lead to future vision loss. Having eye exams on a regular basis is a preventive practice that should be taken as seriously as other routine annual exams. Find out why eye health matters.
If you’re a senior, diabetic, a contact lens wearer, are significantly nearsighted, have had a head injury or have a personal or family history of eye disease, you’re more likely to be at risk for eye disease. We want to stay on top of your visual health, so we recommend having your eyes checked annually.
Children’s eyes change very quickly as they grow, so we recommend annual visits for them as well. For children 19 and under and seniors 65 and over, one visit every 12 months is covered by OHIP with a valid Ontario health card.